A Midsummer Night’s Dream at Box Moor Trust

Living Magazines Midsummer Nights Dream-Box_Moor

The Shakespeare Circus is a Berkhamsted based theatre company of young professional actors, directed by RSC practitioners. They will be performing a version of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ in the woodland at Box Moor Trust on 29 June at 7.30pm for members of the public and the local community.

This performance is part of small tour in local nature and heritage areas and includes performances and workshops for local schoolchildren, providing them with an enjoyable and accessible introduction to Shakespeare. The ticket income will support the delivery of this work for local children and young people. They are also working with local professional Ukrainian musicians on the music for the show.

You can find more details about the performance at www.theshakespearecircus.com/event-details/a-midsummers-nights-dream-3.