What's on


Open Door Repair Café

Open Door Berkhamsted. First Saturday of each month, 9.30am-12.30pm. Bring along your broken items and let the experts take a look, in exchange for a donation. No need to book. Refreshments available while you wait from donations café.

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Markets & Sales

Tring Arts & Crafts Market

Victoria Room, Victoria Hall, Akeman Street, 10am-3pm. First Saturday of every month. A place for locals to showcase their talents. Handmade crafts, accessories, homeware, art, jewellery, candles, sweet treats and more.

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Markets & Sales

Pop Up Bazaar

Berkhamsted Town Hall, 10am-4pm. First Saturday of the month. Free entry, dogs welcome. Fab indoor market home to independent market stall small businesses plus onsite cafe. Email if you would like a stall.

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Eco Hub

Quaker Meeting House, Berkhamsted High Street, 2.30-5pm. 1st Sunday of the month. Monthly themes with expert speakers and panels, activities for children and teens, supportive information, tips and ideas.

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Festive Choral Evensong for Candlemas

St Peter & St Paul, Tring 6.30pm. Refreshments will follow and a retiring collection for the new organ fund.

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Cameo Lunch Club

Tring Garden Centre, every Monday 11.30am-1.30pm. No need to book. A club for social contact for individuals who would like conversation, laughter, friendship and maybe some food.

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Full Council Meeting

The Council Chamber, Berkhamsted Civic Centre, 7.30pm.

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The Women of Bletchley Park

Wigginton History Society, Village Hall, Wigginton, 8pm. Speaker Mike Barbakoff.

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Hec-Talk Group

The XC Centre, Jarman Way, Hemel Hempstead, 7.30-8.30pm. Every first and third Wednesday of the month. Open to all men to come together and talk. Register via link.

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Harry De Cruz

Centenary Theatre, Berkhamsted, 7.30pm. Join the London Magician of the Year 2024, Harry De Cruz for a special one night only performance of his show ‘Sleightly Impressive’.

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The Role of High Sheriff from Anglo-Saxon Times to the Present

Cholesbury-cum-St Leonards Local History Group, St Leonards Village Hall. 7.30 for 7.45pm start. Speaker Liz Green.

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Markets & Sales

Tring Farmers Market

High Street, Tring, 9am-12.30pm. 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month. Fine produce from around the district.

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