Berkhamsted Santa’s Sleigh and the Elves Posting House

Living Magazines Berkhamsted Santa’s Sleigh

Santa will be visiting the streets starting on the evening 26 November when he will be coming down the High Street on his sleigh at the Berkhamsted Festival of Light.

Children can visit the Elves Posting House at the Civic Centre to write, draw or crayon their letter to Father Christmas

Entry is timed, and tickets are available here

Santa will visit as many streets in Berkhamsted as he can until 18 December, when he will have to start his journey back to the North Pole. Santa will be supported each night by helpers from local charities and PTAs who will benefit from public donations.

Santa and the Elves Posting House is organised by Berkhamsted Rotary Club. If you would like to find out more about the occasion and other good things that Berkhamsted Rotary does in our community, please visit