Celebrating Academic Success at Lockers Park School

Once again, pupils in their final year at Lockers Park (Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead) have been celebrating academic success. The highly-regarded Preparatory School is proud to announce a 100% pass rate for its Common Entrance examinations for all 33 pupils. The fantastic set of results included A Grades across the board in French.
The academic accomplishments see the school’s Year 8 pupils moving on to the country’s top schools including Harrow and Rugby. Underpinning these well-deserved results, pupils secured sought-after scholarships to Aldenham (an Academic Scholarship), Milton Abbey School (an Entrepreneurial Scholarship) and St Albans School (a Music Scholarship plus another achieving both an Academic and a Sports Scholarship).
Headmaster Christopher Wilson comments: ‘Congratulations to all our boys who worked so hard, particularly in their final year at Lockers Park. Whilst expecting every boy to achieve his potential, we are careful not to place undue pressure on pupils and it has been pleasing to see how the boys have taken responsibility for their own learning, especially during this difficult time. Whilst we will be sad to see them leave Lockers Park, we wish them every success as they embark upon the next stage of their educational journey. Well done boys!’
Described by the Good Schools Guide as a school that ‘brings out the best in boys’, Lockers Park is a day and boarding school for boys aged 4-13, preparing pupils for the country’s leading public and independent senior schools. Its kinaesthetic approach to schooling ensures boys are highly engaged to achieve the best academic results. Visit www.lockerspark.herts.sch.uk/admissions/ to find out more.
Image shows: Headmaster Chris Wilson with three of the successful scholars