Changes to the Highway Code

Living Magazines Highway Code Changes

Changes to the Highway Code came into force from Saturday 29 January across Hertfordshire and the UK to protect the most vulnerable on our roads.

An explicit road user hierarchy, places those who choose to walk, cycle, ride horses or motorcycles at the top of the hierarchy and applies to all road users. It ensures road users that can cause the greatest harm will now bear the greatest responsibility to take care and reduce the danger they pose to others.

The code has clarified the previous rules on pedestrian priority on pavements and reaffirms that drivers and riders should give way to pedestrians crossing or waiting to cross the road. It also provides guidance on safe passing distances and speeds when overtaking cyclists or horse riders and ensures they have priority at junctions when travelling straight ahead.

Phil Bibby, Executive Member for Highways and Transport, Hertfordshire County Council, said: ‘We wholeheartedly endorse the changes recently made to the Highway Code. In Hertfordshire we want more people to walk and cycle and for all road users to be safe, considerate, responsible and to respect others. The changes simply formalise basic courtesy, promote safety, and give people confidence to adopt travel patterns that are cleaner, greener, and healthier.

‘These changes are most welcome and have been put in place to protect pedestrians, particularly children, cyclists, and other vulnerable road users.’

To find out more about the changes being made to the Highway Code, please visit The Highway Code: 8 changes you need to know from 29 January 2022 – GOV.UK (

To find out more about proposed walking and cycling improvements in Hertfordshire, please visit Improvements for those that cycle and walk (Active Travel Fund) | Hertfordshire County Council