Community Fridge for Tring

10.2 million tons of food and drink are thrown away annually. One of the ways of tackling this appalling figure is the Community Fridge Network.
High Street Baptist Church is going to host a Community Fridge. This will be done through Hubbub, a specialist charity dealing with Community Fridges.
A Community Fridge consists of a glass fronted display refrigerator, shelving for ambient temperature items, and a small deep freeze where items at the end of their life can be frozen. Most are open for a couple of hours two or three times a week.
The purpose of a Community Fridge is to stop food waste. It is not an initiative aimed at those who normally have food parcels. Anyone is welcome to take items to reduce food waste.
They hope to open around January 2020. More details later. Meanwhile anyone willing to volunteer for a couple of hours once a month, please contact John Allan –