Dacorum Local Plan – Call for Sites

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Dacorum Borough Council is currently preparing a new Local Plan. As part of this process, the Council needs to plan for future development and understand what land might be suitable and available to enable this.

The Council maintains a register of land in the borough which holds the latest information on sites and feeds into the evidence based studies supporting the new Local Plan. This register helps the Council to determine the location, capacity and availability of land for development, so that it can begin to make decisions on future allocations in the Local Plan.

The Council would like to hear from you if you have a potential site; or sites you would like to register for any kind of use, including residential, commercial and community uses.  You can also contact the Council if you would like to provide an update on an existing site you have previously suggested.

This ‘call for sites’ is not just for landowners or agents, but members of the public and other organisations who feel that there is a site that should be assessed as a possible future development opportunity. Any site can be submitted, however the Council is particularly looking for more sites on urban and brownfield land.

Cllr Alan Anderson, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Infrastructure said: ‘This is part of the process we are required to follow, and having an up to date register of land is essential in helping us to progress our new Local Plan. Following our recent consultation on the Local Plan, we are keen to identify as many urban sites as possible, to reduce the pressures on allocating sites on the Green Belt.’

Further information, including how to register new sites (or to update existing ones), and details of sources of land the Council is already aware of are available on the Council’s website: www.dacorum.gov.uk/callforsites