Dacorum’s Virtual Fun Palace

Living Magazines Fun Palace

Dacorum Borough Council and Hemel Hempstead Library will be hosting a Fun Palace with a difference this year by going online. Each year on the first weekend of October, Fun Palaces are held all over the UK, celebrating culture in the community with people coming together to share their skills and knowledge and to enjoy taking part in cultural and creative activities.

On Saturday 3 October, the Virtual Fun Palace will have a variety of free online activities for you to take part in. There is a timetable of online sessions including storytelling with drama and songs, collage art, a talk about frogs and toads, dance, hedgehog cookie tutorial, concertina book making, baby rhyme time and seated yoga. There will be information and resources on a variety of other activities, such as horticulture, poetry and mask making, that you can download or access in your own time and Hertfordshire Libraries Team will also be posting out activities throughout the Fun Palaces weekend on their Facebook page.

‘Fun Palaces are all about the community coming together to celebrate culture and whilst we cannot do this in person, it’s great to be working with local artists and community organisations to bring you a virtual Fun Palace. I would like to thank our creative and cultural community who have been fantastic at supporting people online with activities throughout the pandemic.  We’re delighted that many of these organisations and artists are coming together to provide an exciting programme of activities for this online event,’ said Councillor Julie Banks, Hertfordshire Year of Culture Member Champion for Dacorum.

Many wonderful local artists and organisations are co-creating the Virtual Fun Palace as part of Hertfordshire Year of Culture 2020, sharing their knowledge and skills with you all. There is plenty for everyone and Dacorum Borough Council hopes you can join in some free online fun!

To find out who is involved and all about the activities visit Dacorum’s Virtual Fun Palace webpage: www.funpalaces.co.uk/fun-palace/dacorums-virtual-fun-palace.

You can also join in on the day on the Active Dacorum Facebook page @ActiveDacorum.