Dare to Dance

Do you Dare to Dance? During October, Dacorum Community Dance (DCD) is challenging you to do one dance a day, every day, all for a good cause. You get to pick your music, your location and your moves. You can dance in your kitchen, your garden, the park or your bedroom. You can dance alone, with family or with friends (but remember the rule of six!). Each day post a photo or a video of yourself dancing with #daretodance. It shows others that you are completing the challenge and enables friends and family to sponsor you. They may even want to suggest what tune to dance to next.
Louise White, Creative Director at DCD said, ‘By taking part in Dare to Dance and getting people to sponsor you, you will support vulnerable and older adults engage in dance, make social connections and help them lead healthier lives.’
As well as raising money, dance is also a great way to keep fit. It helps improve your cardiovascular health, by getting your heart racing and helps improve your balance and strength. And it gives you a great buzz to get you through the day!
Check out the campaign video on Facebook or YouTube.
You can sign up to the challenge and collect donations through the DCD’s fundraising page on GoFundMe: www.gofundme.com/f/dacorumcommunitydance
Make a difference in October to yourself and others by keeping active whilst raising money for a great cause.