Digitally Yours

A new website has been launched by local expert Samantha Hollier to support parents in becoming better equipped to help their children stay safe online.
Digitally Yours is a non-profit organisation, which aims to build empowered relationships with the internet for children, parents and professionals, promoting responsibility rather than fear.
‘Navigating the online world can be daunting, worrying and scary, as well as exciting, gratifying and wonderful,’ says Samantha.
‘When it comes to the internet, safety is something everyone talks about and quite rightly so. We are bombarded with messages of fear.
‘But if we take time to build a healthy relationship with the internet and empower our children to make choices, could things be different?
‘You are the experts when it comes to your child, but here are some suggestions that may help support you and them:
- Talk to your child about what they are doing online
- Ask them to teach you about the social media platforms they are using and ask what they use them for. Open up the discussion about what the platforms do and what they use them for
- If they come across something they are concerned about, or are asked to share something inappropriate, reassure them and report it to CEOP –
- Model good behaviour – you cannot expect your child to put their phone/internet-ready device down if yours is in your hand all the time.
- There are other resources to help you talk to your children on the NSPCC website – visit to find out more.’
For more information about Digitally Yours, go to