End the Consumption of Dog Meat in the UK

Local MP Sir Mike Penning attended the World Dog Alliance’s (WDA) launch of its campaign to ban the consumption of dog meat in the UK at the Houses of Parliament last week.
Currently, the sale of dog meat and the slaughter of dogs in abattoirs is illegal in th UK, but there is no law against the consumption of dog meat. The WDA seeks to close this legal loophole to make sure the practice never happens. It will also send a powerful signal of the UK’s moral opposition to this horrific practice and encourage other nations to introduce a ban.
Every year it is estimated that 30 million dogs are killed around the world for their meat, of which 70% are stolen pets. There is also a misconception that the meat will taste better if the animal is tortured before death.
Sir Mike said: ‘Animal rights are of the utmost importance, so I am pleased to be supporting this campaign to close the legal loophole and make it illegal to eat dog meat in the UK. As leaders in animal welfare, we must make sure we set the right example across the globe that this treatment of animals is not acceptable.’
The World Dog Alliance has launched a petition in the UK to ban dog meat consumption. Sign and share here: http://bandogmeat.uk/petition/.
Read the full press release.