Support Local Businesses

There is a wealth of local talent right on your doorstep. The next time you’re thinking of changing suppliers or looking for a new service provider, think LOCAL FIRST.
We’re often surprised by the range and breadth of businesses and services within our local community. Our area has a wealth of creative services, from florists, to freelance writers and musicians, as well as those who offer IT and admin assistance. Working with local independent businesses can often reap greater rewards. You’ll probably get to know and have direct contact with the business owner, who will naturally be more passionate about their business – and yours – and they in turn can put you in touch with other local businesses through their local network.
A local business is also far more likely to value your business, going that extra mile to develop the relationship and service the account. In turn, these business owners are more likely to invest in the community by using shops, cafes, restaurants and other services themselves. Circulating money in this way helps to grow local businesses and strengthen and maintain the local economy.