First Mummies’ Club

Thanks to Lisa Timms for sending us this information…
First Mummies’ Club is an evening arts and crafts group for Mums with a big focus on relaxing through creativity. Indulging in something creative has been proven to boost mood and calm a busy mind.
The sessions aren’t just about the ‘doing’. I have candles, burn essential oils and play gentle jazz in the background, while I (or a local artist or craftsperson) guide the ladies through a creative project, which introduces them to a new skill and allows the Mums to feel a sense of accomplishment at creating by the end of the two hour session.
We break half way for a hot drink and a slice of homemade cake.
I’ve been running First Mummies’ Club in Boxmoor for almost a year now and the fortnightly sessions are always full. I decided to branch out into Berkhamsted, having felt like a bit of crafty ‘me’ time was something that more Mums were in need of.
Our sessions run the first Tuesday of each month 7:30pm-9:30pm and our next session falls on Tuesday 2nd October when we’ll be joined by local artist Julie Ann Wrathall for a card making session using encaustic wax.
The Berkhamsted sessions so far have been really popular but I’m always keen to spread the word to more Mums who are looking for a special something to escape the overwhelm, whilst have an opportunity to meet other like-minded local Mums and just be themselves.
Please do have a peek at my website