Free online antenatal sessions

Living Magazines PBB Events Antenatal Classes

Two local midwives, a mother and daughter team, Debbie and Emma Trollope have tweaked their business PBB events to offer pregnant women free online antenatal sessions. The hope is that they will help pregnant women who have been unable to access their antenatal classes due to the lockdown. They also feel the sessions offer an option for women who want more information but who do not want to attend traditional antenatal classes in a group each week.

According to the PBB Facebook page, the feedback by those accessing the first set of 4 has been really positive and very encouraging with women saying it has helped them feel more calm, knowledgeable and not alone.

Debbie and Emma are both local clinical midwives and have been facilitating antenatal sessions for many years. They started PBB events with a focus on Pregnancy Birth and Beyond (PBB) a few years ago and have organised study days, health seminars, networking events and antenatal classes.

Normally the PBB events antenatal classes come in a variety of packages from one stop days , 2 part weekends to 4-6 week evening sessions in local venues.

The new free online sessions have been designed as 1.5 hour sessions over a 4-week period live online or can be watched on catch up. It allows Debbie and Emma to provide the sessions to lots of women/couples and there is a chance for women to post questions to them live as well.

The aim of the new online sessions is to provide knowledge around the job the body has to do during labour and birth and so give confidence. They provide research-based information to enable expectant mums and dads to make informed choices about their care, explore what is available to help them cope in labour and allow discussions around feeding options and baby care.

Debbie and Emma have also set up PBB Pregnancy Club online. The club allows women to join them every other Wednesday evening starting from 29 April from 7.30-9pm where they will cover different topics each week and will invite guest speakers on topics such as baby first aid, hypnobirthing, acupuncture, homeopathy, pelvic floor and mental health. This will take place on Zoom and can be booked on PBB Pregnancy Club Eventbrite at £5 per session.

It will start on 29 April with a limit on numbers. Their aim is to also hold these sessions in a central location for local mums to attend if they want to once the lockdown is over. The online sessions can be accessed by pregnant women from all over the UK and will hopefully provide knowledge and reassurance.

If you would like more info have a look at PBB Expecting in 2020 on Facebook or email Emma and Debbie on