Halloween – Love It or Loathe It

Like it or loathe it, Trick or Treating is a firm fixture on the calendar these days, and children love dressing up and knocking on neighbours’ doors hoping to receive treats.
Do you welcome Trick or Treaters? A pumpkin on your doorstep is the usual recognised signal if you do, while an unlit front porch says you prefer not to be disturbed. Neighbourhood Watch suggest that a notice on your door saying that the sweets have run out will normally work too! They’ve also got posters you can download – one for welcoming callers and the other politely turning them away. You can get your copies here.
You can also get advice on both Halloween and Bonfire night from the Hertfordshire Constabulary website.
Halloween is a busy night for the police, so they’re appealing to parents of older children intending to go out on their own to check they don’t have anything on them that could cause a nuisance, such as eggs, flour or silly string.
If you are the victim of unwelcome, intimidating or criminal behaviour, you can contact the police in several ways:
- Call the Force Control Room on 101 (or 999 in an emergency)
- email the Force Control Room at fcrenquiries@herts.pnn.police
- online at www.herts.police.uk/Report
Have a happy and safe Halloween!