Have a lovely 2016

A novice photographer has won this year’s top prize in the annual Box Moor Trust photo competition. Stuart Scott beat more than 135 other entrants to win this year’s competition, and his beautiful shot of the sunrise, looking east from Hardings’ Moor, will now take pride of place in the Trust’s prestigious 2016 calendar.
The competition was judged by multi-award-winning professional photographer and international judge Hoss Mahdavi, who said: ‘This image caught my eye both for its beauty and for the moment captured. It has great composition and detail: the highlight of the image is exactly where one’s eye would naturally alight and the point of interest (the bird) is silhouetted perfectly against that highlighted area.’
The calendars cost £5 each plus £1 postage and packing, and are available from The Box Moor Trust Centre, London Road, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2RE. Entry forms for the 2017 calendar competition are now available at www.boxmoortrust.org.uk, with the theme of ‘Countryside on Hemel’s Doorstep’.