Help shape Dacorum’s Local Plan

On Friday 27 November Dacorum Borough Council is launching its consultation on the Emerging Strategy for Growth – the next step to creating the new Dacorum Local Plan 2020 – 2038.
The consultation will run for 10 weeks, from 5pm on Friday 27 November 2020 and will close at 11:59pm on Sunday 7 February 2021.
This consultation is the next step in creating the new Dacorum Local Plan 2020-2038. This will be a key document in shaping the future of our borough and will affect us all.
Please Note: The Chiltern Society have grave concerns about this plan and have organised a virtual event on 14 January to discuss. More on The Chiltern Society website.
The Council would like to encourage as many people and organisations as possible to get involved.
A key role of the Local Plan is to establish the amount and location of new development in Dacorum over the next 18 years and to set out the Council’s approach to:
- Identifying where and when development should take place
- Delivering a step change in housing growth
- Supporting the local economy, employment and retail
- Mitigating and adapting to a changing climate
- Promoting high quality design of development
- Conserving and enhancing the historic and natural environment, and
- Enabling the delivery of infrastructure
Alongside the Emerging Strategy for Growth, the Council has published a number of supporting and evidence-based studies. These include an interim Sustainability Appraisal, which assesses the potential social, economic and environmental implications of the Emerging Strategy for Growth.
Cllr Graham Sutton, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Infrastructure said: ‘Dacorum will see significant growth and investment over the coming decades, particularly in housing and employment. All of this needs to be done in a way that maintains and enhances the outstanding qualities of Dacorum – its vibrant communities, high quality countryside and being a great place to live, work and enjoy.
‘This process gives us the chance to grasp opportunities and build for the future, while seeking to tackle some of the many challenges we face in our borough today. Development will happen – in jobs, homes, retail, and other infrastructure – but if we don’t act to shape it, we can’t be sure that the best interests of the borough are being addressed.
‘It is an important time to get involved and tell us what you think. We have set out what we believe to be the best option for growth, but have yet to make a final decision on this matter and would like to know your views.’
Where to find more information
All information and documents relating to the consultation are available:
- via the Council’s consultation portal:
- on the Council’s website:
Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions, the Council will be undertaking more online engagement, including hosting a virtual exhibition throughout the duration of the consultation. The exhibition can be accessed online by visiting
As a part of the virtual exhibition, visitors will be able to ask questions to the Council’s planning officers via the ‘leave a message’ function.
Hard copies of the Emerging Strategy for Growth are available to view at The Forum in Hemel Hempstead by appointment. Please contact or call 01442 228660 to make arrangements to view.
The Emerging Strategy for Growth, the Sustainability Appraisal and other supporting information will be available to loan from Hemel Hempstead, Berkhamsted and Tring libraries, during their opening hours
How to make comments during the consultation
The Council is requesting that comments are submitted electronically using the Council’s online consultation portal:
If this is not possible, the comments form can also be submitted:
- by email to:; or
- by post addressed to: Strategic Planning, Dacorum Borough Council, The Forum, Marlowes, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP1 1DN
The comments form is available to download from
Comments received cannot be treated as confidential and will be available to view publicly. However, published comments will exclude your personal contact details and include only your name.
Please note any comments made via the ‘leave a message’ function within the virtual exhibition will not be considered as official responses to the consultation and will not be made public.
Next Steps
After reviewing the feedback received, and considering this in the context of technical work and Government guidance, the Pre-Submission version of the Local Plan will be prepared for further consultation later in 2021.
Once finalised, the Dacorum Local Plan 2020-2038 will become the blueprint for the key planning decisions within Dacorum. The Local Plan is scheduled to come into force in the autumn of 2022.