Hertfordshire County Council’s Residents’ Survey

Hertfordshire Residents – the County Council would like to hear from you!
If you live in Hertfordshire, during your lifetime you’re likely to use or learn about some of the many services Hertfordshire County Council provides.
The Council is with you every step of the way – from your first day at school to staying independent in your own home for as long as possible. They are there for all life’s big moments, and the small ones too.
To keep being here for you, they also need to keep listening to you. So, tell them what’s important to you by taking part in the Annual Residents’ Survey 2024. Your responses will help shape how the Council does things in the future.
An online survey is now open to anyone who lives in Hertfordshire: Hertfordshire.gov.uk/resident2024survey
There is also an easy-read version available.
The survey will close at 11:45pm on 15 September.