Hospice Care Charity Appeals for Companionship Volunteers

If your New Year’s resolutions include finding a way to give back in your local community, Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care has just the thing for you.
The hospice care charity is urgently seeking new volunteers for its Supporting Hands and Compassionate Neighbours services. Supporting Hands volunteers offer companionship and practical support to people living with a progressive life-limiting illness and those who care for them, in their own home. While Compassionate Neighbours volunteers provide social and emotional support to people who are experiencing loneliness or social isolation as a result of living with a life-limiting illness or bereavement – whether or not they are being cared for by the charity.
Barbara has been volunteering with Supporting Hands since the service was established in 2017. She explains: ‘When patients are referred to the service they can request different types of support. It might be a companionship visit – either for somebody who lives alone, or to offer a carer some respite time – or it could be some practical help they need.
‘I was once supporting a lady whose eyesight was failing. Through our chats I found out that she used to love reading. So I offered to read to her and she was delighted. She had so many books! I would sit and read to her while her husband had a chance to go out and do something for himself.’
Mary is a Compassionate Neighbour who currently supports a local lady who has a life-limiting illness and was bereaved last year. She says: ‘I love going to visit people. I’ve been in caring professions all my life and spent 40 years in social work, so it’s in my blood to support others. I would recommend becoming a Compassionate Neighbour volunteer to anyone who can give that little bit of time, as it can make such a difference to someone’s life.’
Fenella Campa is a volunteering development advisor at Rennie Grove Peace Hospice Care. She says: ‘Volunteers in these roles make a huge difference to local people. Whether it’s supporting somebody during their illness and freeing up a family carer for desperately needed respite time, or combatting isolation in your community, every hour volunteered makes a huge difference.
‘No previous experience is needed for either role. If you can spare a couple of hours per week and enjoy meeting new people, you would be great for either role. If you have any questions about which role would suit you best or how volunteering might fit into your busy schedule, please get in touch and we’d be delighted to talk you through everything.’
To find out more about volunteering with the Supporting Hands or Compassionate Neighbours teams at Rennie Grove Peace, get in touch today on 01727 731020 or volunteers@renniegrovepeace.org. Visit renniegrovepeace.org for more information.