HS2 Archaeology Conference
Thanks to Cliff Mills at Wigginton History Society for sharing details of this Bucks Archaeological Society Conference online.
Date: Saturday 4 April 1.30pm
To meet the restrictions to protect everyone from Coronavirus, Bucks Archaeological Society are working with the archaeologists of HS2 to put this conference on the Internet, where you will be able to hear the speakers, view their presentations, and even ask questions. And it will be free to view.
All this from your own home, using whatever device you usually use to access the internet -home computer, mobile phone, iPad or other tablet, or even a Smart TV.
You will be able to hear HS2’s archaeologists describe the most recent finds from their excavation sites along the route of the planned high-speed rail line across Buckinghamshire and into Warwickshire.
The afternoon programme will include a short tea break, for home refreshment. So set aside the afternoon of Saturday 4 April for the HS2 Archaeology Conference-on-the Web.
SIGN UP NOW by emailing ‘Count me in’ to bucksasaag@gmail.com using the email address where you can be contacted. When the technology is in place, you’ll be advised how to join the Conference.