Improved Berkhamsted Recycling Centre Ready to Open

Work to create an improved Berkhamsted Recycling Centre has now been completed and the centre will be re-opening to the public on Sunday 8 December.
Hertfordshire County Council have spent the last ten weeks clearing the contents of the site and making improvements to increase its capacity.
The Centre now features a new layout with a significant increase in the number of recycling containers, more than twice the previous number of parking spaces and a new welfare cabin for the team on site.
Eric Buckmaster, Executive Member for The Environment at Hertfordshire County Council said: ‘The improvements to Berkhamsted Recycling Centre will provide residents with a more efficient way to recycle, while the increase in parking capacity ensures a greater number of people can use it at any one time and reduces queuing.
‘This has been an important infrastructure project for the county, which reflects our vision for a cleaner, greener, healthier Hertfordshire.
‘The changes at Berkhamsted form part of a £50m investment in waste-related projects across the county, supporting our ambition to send zero waste to landfill by 2030. These include a new Shredding Facility at Waterdale, together with improvements to its existing Waste Transfer Station, another new Transfer Station in Ware, while similar Centre improvements are also taking place at Bishop’s Stortford.’
Full details on Berkhamsted Recycling Centre can be viewed at