Information Evening for Aspiring Special Constables

Living Magazines Special Constables

Those aspiring to join Hertfordshire’s Special Constabulary can find out everything they need to know about the role in an upcoming virtual information evening.

The virtual event will take place on Wednesday 28 April at 7pm and is open to anyone who is interested in becoming a Special Constable.

A Special Constable is a part-time, voluntary police officer with all the same powers as regular police officers, including the power to arrest.

Specials come from all walks of life and volunteer their spare time for a minimum of 16 hours a month. They are highly trained and play an essential role in preventing, reducing and tackling crime and keeping the communities of Hertfordshire safe.

Inspector Emma Bilsdon, from the constabulary’s Workforce Development Team, said: ‘Volunteering as a Special Constable is incredibly rewarding. You will get to make a real difference to your local community while gaining lots of valuable and transferable professional and personal skills.

‘There’s plenty of flexibility and you will receive full training and support from us. If you’re looking to give back some time to your community or you want to have fun learning new skills that will boost your CV, then I encourage you to book a place at our information evening. We look forward to ‘seeing’ many of you there!’

To book a place at the virtual information evening, please contact the friendly recruitment team via  email The event will be hosted using Microsoft Teams and there will also be a dial in facility for anyone using a mobile phone.