Kilfillan House Open Day

Staff and residents at Kilfillan House Bupa Care Home, Berkhamsted are getting ready to celebrate this year’s Care Home Open Day on Friday 28 June – a national calendar day when care homes in Great Britain are encouraged to open their doors and invite their local community and the wider public to see what enjoyable and stimulating places they can be to both live and work in. It aims to bring the community together and help tackle loneliness and isolation amongst older people. Homes are encouraged to celebrate a different theme each year, with key values at its heart: friendship, making connections and celebrating older and vulnerable people.
This year’s theme is celebrating the role of arts in care and the home is inviting people to join them between 2-4pm. Guests can enjoy a party and lots of fun activities as part of the combined celebration for the home’s 30th anniversary, including exercise classes much more. Food and refreshments will include afternoon tea and a selection of hot and cold drinks.
Caroline Spring, Home Manager at Kilfillan House, said: ‘We’d love members of our community to come along and help us to celebrate Care Home Open Day – it’s a fantastic opportunity to bring people together, help build new friendships and celebrate older people in the community.
‘We are looking forward to providing a taster of the extensive range of activities and events we have available at the home to increase the well-being of residents. We’ll also be on hand to offer an insight to anyone considering a move or a career alongside our passionate staff here at the home.’
For further information please call the information line on 0808 256 3429 or email