Kings Langley Residents to have their say on Proposed Neighbourhood Plan Area
Kings Langley Parish Council has applied to Dacorum Borough Council to write a Neighbourhood Plan for the parish. This plan will consider how and where future development could take place in the parish.
Dacorum Borough Council is asking for Kings Langley residents’ views on whether the proposed plan area is appropriate. If the area is approved, there will be an opportunity for local people to get involved in what they would like to see in the plan.
This is the second parished area in Dacorum to request designation of their area and would be the third Neighbourhood Plan to be progressed in Dacorum.
Preparing a neighbourhood development plan means Kings Langley residents have the opportunity to shape and define how their area should grow and change in the future and influence the use of land in the village. Neighbourhood plans establish general planning policies and play an important part in decisions on planning applications. Having a Neighbourhood Plan also means that parishes receive a greater proportion of Community Infrastructure Levy arising from developments in their area than those without a Neighbourhood Plan.
Neighbourhood planning activity can only formally take place in areas specifically designated by the Council as a neighbourhood area.
The deadline for receiving comments on the proposed plan area is 5pm on Friday 18 October 2019. Details on the proposed plan area and response forms are available on the Council’s website at:
Paper copies of the consultation documents will be available at The Forum, Hemel Hempstead, Kings Langley Parish Council offices and Kings Langley Community Library throughout this consultation period during normal opening hours.
Next Steps
Once the consultation is complete, the comments received will be considered by the Council before a judgement is made on whether the area is appropriate.
If the area is approved, the Parish Council can begin work on a Neighbourhood Plan for the Kings Langley Neighbourhood Area. If adopted a Neighbourhood Plan becomes part of the statutory development plan, which establishes general planning policies for the development and use of land within the area.
To become part of the development plan, a Neighbourhood Plan must receive a majority ‘Yes’ vote in a local referendum organised by the Local Planning Authority.