Latest Update on London Luton Airport’s Planning Application

The Chiltern Countryside Group has provided us with a quick but important update on LLA’s Planning Application, 19/00428/EIA, to Luton Borough Council, also owners of the airfield, to vary Planning Condition 10 of Planning Permission 15/00950.VARCON. This application seeks to increase the noise contour levels for both day and night operations and would permit greater noise & visual intrusion over a wider area, than currently allowed.
CCG is strongly against any variation of such Planning Conditions, as they have been deemed necessary to protect communities and the environment against what has previously been considered as unacceptable levels of aural and visual pollution.
This application was previously submitted by LLA in May, 2019, to which the Group objected, along with several hundred others. However, says the group, it is vital that as many objections as possible are again submitted against this proposal.
If you would like help, then please refer to the document posted on the group’s website. They are quite happy for you to use any of the points the Group makes, preferably, though, in your own words. This must be sent in by 12 September 2019.
Details can be found at by entering 19/00428/EIA into the Application Search.
Chiltern Countryside Group would like to thank you for your vital support on this.