Letter from the Mayor of Tring, Spring 2021

Living Magazines Tring Mayor Roxanne Ransley

Fellow Residents,

As I write this we have snow and ice on the ground but the sun is shining and the sky is blue. It describes our lives at the moment as we are back in lockdown, unable to mix, but the vaccines are rolling out and a brighter, safer future beckons. By the time you read this I hope that all vulnerable residents of Tring have had their first vaccination and have got the date for the second booked.

Over the past year I think that I have walked down every road and am always delighted by hidden gems such as glorious gardens and interesting buildings. The best thing about my walks for exercise are the greetings from others, many of whom I don’t know. I would like to encourage everyone to say ‘hello’ to those that they pass as this may be the only time that someone has spoken to another person in days. The situation that the country is in has lasted a year and it has been difficult for everyone, so do be mindful of others on a daily basis.

Tring Town Council has continued with regular business. A great deal of time has been given to consideration of the Dacorum Local Plan. This consultation finished on 28 February 2021 and I expect that many of you took part. The Tring Council’s response is available on our website for you to see.

The council is looking at ways in which our town can be maintained and improved and we always welcome ideas from you, such as more cycle racks, benches and signposted walks. The Farmers Market has moved back to the Market Place in Brook Street to give social distance space and allow more food stalls. Shopping locally gives you the chance to talk to our local growers and producers while reducing food miles.

In 2019 this council declared a climate emergency and we all have a responsibility to reduce our carbon footprint. I am hoping that many of us will consider how such things as a safe garden pond or a new tree would help. To encourage biodiversity in the garden we are supporting the ‘bee friendly town’ initiative (see livingmags.info for more details) and looking at planting wildflowers where we can.

Tring Together will once again be arranging activities throughout the spring and I shall be supporting them whether it is on-line or in person and look forward to seeing as many of you involved as possible.

The new Mayor will be appointed in May and I would like to thank you for the support that you have given me this year.

Roxanne Ransley, Mayor, Tring Town Council