Letter from the Mayor of Tring, Summer 2020

Dear Tring,
How the world has changed since I last wrote for Living magazine.
I write this during the fifth week of lockdown. Sadly members of our community have been very unwell or died during the pandemic and I offer my condolences to their families and friends. Others have felt isolated, finding the world a lonely and frightening place, however, I am confident that, as a community, Tring has reached out to help and support them.
Many planned events have been cancelled or postponed and the work of months put to one side; hopefully, things will begin to return to a new normal soon.
There have been some positives. We have all met others through social media, whilst queuing or taking our daily exercise. People have recognised the work that others do on our behalf and seen the benefit of small acts of kindness. The environment is quieter and cleaner and the noise is from birds singing.
The council has continued to run essential services and to meet virtually and I am grateful for the support that I have had from staff.
By the time that you read this some restrictions may have been lifted and we will be looking forward to the summer. I would like us all to continue to support our neighbours and our town. We have been fortunate that we have had local businesses who have continued to trade and supported the town sometimes in a very inventive way! I encourage you all to shop local and use local services to keep our town vibrant in the future.
Like most people I have used this time to garden, and during the summer I will be judging the front garden competition.
I am looking forward to celebrating VJ day in September and our traditional Apple Fair in the autumn and know that our community will continue to flourish.
Roxanne Ransley, Mayor, Tring Town Council