Letter from the Mayor of Tring, Winter 2020

Dear Residents,
One positive from the past six months is that we have become more computer literate (even if we sometimes have to ask our children how to do things!). It does mean that I can keep in contact online when normally I would be out and about at clubs and societies meeting everyone face to face.
All Tring Town Council meetings are virtual at the moment and it is possible for you to take part. Please check the website or notice boards for details on how to do this. We do have a vacancy on the Council. If you would be interested in joining us there are details of the application process in our news article or at www.tring.gov.uk.
As the year progresses, details of the Dacorum Local Plan will be published. This has significant implications for Tring, and I would encourage everyone to give their views to Dacorum during the consultation. It is so
important for us to comment on how our town develops over the next 25 years.
It has been great to see the youngsters in their football kit, and others exercising in our parks. While autumn is suddenly here, along with the very wet weather, hopefully we will all be able to continue enjoying walks. The rain has topped up the reservoirs in Tring, so the many migrating birds who overwinter here will have space, and we can view them both at the reservoirs and at College Lake.
As I write this I am looking forward to judging the Scarecrow competition on Apple Day and taking part in many activities online; we are lucky to have Tring Together to arrange occasions like this.
will be out and about during ‘shop local’ just before Christmas and know that you will support local shops and businesses who have been there for us.
Stay safe,
Roxanne Ransley, Mayor, Tring Town Council