Lockers Park School Pupils Celebrate Global Beatles Day

Lockers Park School (Boxmoor, Hemel Hempstead) pulled out all the stops to take pupils on a memorable ‘Magical Mystery Tour’ to celebrate Global Beatles Day.
The school, which was one of the first in the area to welcome all year groups back full time from Monday 22 June, decided to make the most of Global Beatles Day to ‘Help’ reconnect the school community in a joyful, musical and fun way. The day itself presented ample opportunities for learning enrichment with Beatles-themed pop art projects, maths challenges, quizzes and even the School Chapel enjoyed a Beatles music transformation. The highlight of the festivities featured a socially distanced whole school singalong of the classic – ‘Hey Jude’ – in the school’s beautiful grounds.
Headmaster Christopher Wilson comments: ‘Welcoming all year groups back to school has been a much-needed boost for everyone: staff, pupils and parents alike. What better way to celebrate than to bring the children together with music from The Beatles, whose messages of peace and love resonate in the current climate. This has been a difficult time for everyone and the Lockers Park school community has really pulled together to support each other throughout.’
And while Lockers Park’s school buildings are closed to visitors, the school is open virtually with one-on-one video calls available for prospective parents to speak with Mr Wilson and other key members of staff. Visit for further information.
Lockers Park is a day and boarding school for boys aged 7-13 with a Pre-Prep for boys and girls aged 4-7. Situated in the heart of Hertfordshire, the school holds an excellent academic reputation, priding itself on preparing pupils for the country’s leading public and independent senior schools.