Luton Airport Expansion

London Luton Airport is looking to expand – and they want to hear from you.
Currently, 16 million passengers pass through the airport every year, and this number is growing. London Luton Airport Ltd’s (LLAL) ‘Vision for Sustainable Growth 2020-2050’ includes increasing the use of the runway and expanding terminal capacity to 36-38 million passengers – more than double its current number.
The pre-consultation took place earlier this year, and there will be a second consultation next year.
A spokesperson from LLAL said: ‘We are committed to working with our partners, airlines, our local communities, statutory body and the Government when developing strategies and measures to maximise the benefits, while mitigating potential adverse environmental impacts that expansion might bring, including but not limited to: accessibility, air quality, noise, climate change, landscape and ecology, archaeology and heritage.’
Despite assurances, many locals are not convinced. Independent action group, Chiltern Countryside Group have lodged objections and are urging locals to have their say.
‘Put simply, these plans will mean more frequent aircraft flying at low levels above our beautiful Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty,’ says Sue Yeomans, spokesperson for the Chiltern Countryside Group.
‘We have been invited by LLA to join its focus group on airspace, and we’d like to invite readers to let us know their concerns.’
Go to, and to find out more about the opposition go to