Monsters on a Mission

Living Magazines Monsters on a Mission-title-and-monsters

Dacorum Borough Council launched the Monsters on a Mission scheme, a fun way to promote food recycling in the borough.

The council provided food caddies to all primary schools in the borough, along with teacher guides, resources and monster feature stickers so the class could decorate their caddy and create their own Teacher’s Pet monster. They were given the class mission statement: Feed the Teacher’s Pet to help save the planet.

Food waste which goes in the general waste bin breaks down and produces methane, a harmful greenhouse gas around 30 times more potent than carbon dioxide – this contributes to climate change.

However, when food waste is separated into the correct bin and recycled, it is converted into biogas. Biogas can help power the National Grid which helps reduce reliance on fossil fuels and therefore has a positive impact on reducing carbon emissions. It also produces fertiliser which is used on local farms to support healthy crops.

For these reasons, food waste recycling is really important to get right which is why the Monsters on a Mission scheme was launched.

The engagement from Dacorum Primary Schools has been fantastic with the classes getting enthusiastically involved. Some classes wrote creative origin stories for how their Teacher’s Pet came into existence, some created signs and posters and one class plan to write to Boris Johnson about the issues of food waste and climate change.

All the photo entries can now be seen on the Dacorum Borough Council Facebook page where people can vote for their favourite Teacher’s Pet Monster. Voting closes on Halloween, 31 October. The winning school will receive eco-friendly goodies worth up to £250 and all schools that entered will receive eco-themed goodies too.

Residents can vote for their favourite at

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