News for Book Lovers Everywhere

Our thanks to Ben Moorhouse of Our Bookshop in Tring for bringing us this update.
I’m very grateful to so many of you who have supported the shop in the last few weeks. It’s massively appreciated. We’re in a difficult period and independent bookshops (along with everyone else) have some massive hurdles to overcome in the coming months in order to survive. I’m confident that Our Bookshop is in the best possible shape to withstand the current problems but I would urge you all to keep supporting not just us, but all your local independent shops as well.
We’re pleased to say we are able to order and deliver books as normal – both locally on Ben’s trusty steed (pictured) and also nationally via our wholesalers home delivery service.
To order – simply email, call 01442 827653 or visit the form on Our Website – Click Here.
We will deliver to your door. It doesn’t matter if you live on Tring High Street or 44 Scotland Street or 12 Grimmauld Place, 221B Baker St, 32 Windsor Gardens, 186 Fleet Street, 17 Cherry Tree Lane, 4 Privet Drive, Marlinspike Hall, Whitehaven Mansions, Blandings Castle, (or anywhere else for that matter).
Our wholesaler did have some issues delivering in bulk in April but we are pleased to say this is all resolved now and we can order as normal. They are anticipating being able to deliver orders in 2 days.
We’ve been blessed with so much support from the local community. Thank you!!
Book Ideas
Whilst we can order anything and we have a broad selection on our shelves. Here are a few book ideas for you…
Buried by Lynda la Plante
(Signed copies while stocks last)
The first in an exciting new, contemporary series from the queen of Crime Drama – Introducing Jack Warr, a brand-new Lynda La Plante protagonist.
This wonderful new book showcases fifty engaging activities for creative, everyday playtime to encourage a connection to nature, sense of joy and bonding with your kids, while nurturing your own inner child too.
THESE ARE THE HANDS. Poems from the heart of the NHS
This anthology offers a unique insight into the real experiences of the people at the heart of the NHS – from the student nurse at the start of his career to the heart surgeon on the eve of her retirement.
Our Bookshop YouTube Channel
With the prospect of physical distancing continuing for the foreseeable future and even into next year, we have decided to launch our own YouTube channel. This will give us the chance to provide author interviews and any other interesting content we can lay our hands on.
CLICK HERE to subscribe (it’s free!) and watch the short introduction from Ben.
Our Bookshop Vouchers
Don’t forget, you can still order Our Bookshop vouchers from us and we also have a wonderful selection of cards.
We wish all our customers well during this difficult time. Stay safe and keep reading!