Operation Sceptre

Hertfordshire Constabulary will be joining police forces across the country from Tuesday 18 – Monday 24 September to take part in a national knife amnesty.
During this time members of the public will be able to surrender any unwanted knives to the police anonymously and without fear of prosecution for possession of these items. You can do so at one of the following police stations: Hatfield, Stevenage or Watford. Items can be surrendered anonymously during the amnesty in the knife bins provided. The locations and opening times of these stations can be found at www.herts.police.uk/stations.
Knif- related crime has been increasing across the country, including Hertfordshire, in recent years and the amnesty is being carried out to support the national campaign to reduce the number of knives in circulation. The amnesty also provides an opportunity to educate young people about the dangers of carrying a knife, give crime prevention advice and raise awareness amongst local businesses that selling certain knives to anyone under 18 is illegal. As part of a wider campaign officers will be carrying out knife detection operations, test purchasing at knife retailers and visiting schools to deliver talks on the dangers of carrying a knife.