PCC Budget to Protect Officer Numbers and Neighbourhood Policing

Hertfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner Jonathan Ash-Edwards has proposed his first budget which is focused on protecting policing and neighbourhoods in the county.
A planned average £14 a year precept increase has been backed by the majority in a public consultation. It will ensure a new record high number of police officers is achieved with Hertfordshire to have 2,405 police officers, 12 more than the previous target.
In addition, despite challenges from government funding, Mr Ash Edwards’s budget will also ensure no reduction of neighbourhood PCSOs and lay the foundations for increases in neighbourhood policing.
The Commissioner reports the Constabulary, like many other forces across England and Wales, is facing a significant financial gap due to funding pressures and rising costs.
Just over half (56%) of police funding in Hertfordshire comes from Government grant with the remainder (44%) coming from the policing precept from the council tax.
The budget for policing Hertfordshire in 2025-26 has been set at £313m an increase from 294.2m the previous year. This includes a £14 a year (5.6 per cent) rise in the policing precept, the part of the Council Tax that goes towards policing, for a Band D property which will raise an additional £7.38m.
A Band D property would now pay a total of £265 towards policing in 2025-26, which is the fifth lowest level in England and Wales.
Mr Ash-Edwards said: ‘My overriding priority is to keep the people of Hertfordshire safe and ensure the county has effective and responsive policing.
‘I have worked closely with the Chief Constable to ensure this budget is able to support the Constabulary in improving performance following the HMICFRS inspection, addressing the priorities I am setting out in the Police & Crime Plan on behalf of the public, and enabling the Chief Constable to deliver an excellent service.
‘The public have told me they want the priority to be improved police visibility and tackling anti-social behaviour. This budget helps the Constabulary respond to that by permanently increasing the record police officer numbers.
‘It will also put more resources into neighbourhood policing, with expected growth in neighbourhood police officers and PCSOs.
‘Unfortunately, the cost pressures facing policing are increasing at a faster rate than the increases in funding and I need to address standstill costs of £18m for 2025/26.
‘In common with many public services, the costs facing policing are increasing faster than the resources available to meet them. This year, the well-deserved pay rise for police officers and staff has not been fully funded by the Government.
‘After the grant settlement savings of £7.25m are needed to balance the budget. Saving measures will include removing police staff vacancies in non-operational roles, and reviewing the workforce mix in areas where it is appropriate for police officers to perform staff roles, such as investigating crime.’
The Commissioner’s precept decision follows a public consultation across the county in which 63 per cent of residents said they wanted to pay more to support policing in the county, with 26 per cent disagreeing with the proposal and 11 per cent neutral.
On the evening of Thursday 6 February, Mr Ash-Edwards will present his proposed budget to members of the Police and Crime Panel for approval. The Police and Crime Panel is a body made up of councillors from across Hertfordshire who scrutinise the work of the Police and Crime Commissioner.