Reduce, Recycle and Save Money with new Zero Waste Map

Living Magazines Dacorum zero waste map

Dacorum Borough Council has launched a new Zero Waste Map to help residents reduce waste, recycle more and, in many cases, save money.

The map shows where different items can be recycled across the borough including the recycling centres (household waste sites), neighbourhood recycling sites as well as Terracycle drop off points and retail take-back schemes which offer a solution for items that can’t be recycled from the home.

Residents are now able to locate a wealth of second hand shops, charity shops, vintage and antique shops and shops selling upcycled products. Shopping second-hand supports the circular economy, offers unique items, is often cheaper and is much better for the environment than buying new.

There are refill shops where customers can take their own containers for food, cleaning products and toiletries, avoiding single-use plastic.

The map also shows where residents can get a variety items repaired and options for hiring instead of buying.

Cllr Graham Barratt, Portfolio Holder for Environmental Services said: ‘The Zero Waste Map is a great way for residents to find sustainable shopping options, reduce waste and recycle more. Dacorum residents already recycle over 54% of what’s thrown away in our homes and we want to increase that further still. Shopping second-hand and repairing items can save people money and reduces the need to buy new, meaning resources are saved and less is thrown away. We hope that residents will find this a useful resource.’

The Zero Waste Map can be viewed here:

If residents have any other locations they would like added to the Zero Waste Map they can email