Rothschild House Group Practice News

For patients who usually collect their prescriptions at Pitstone Surgery, these are now being sent directly to Windmill Pharmacy in Ivinghoe. Soon, all prescriptions will be issued electronically, called EPS. This means paper prescription slips will no longer need to be sent from the surgery to the patient’s choice of pharmacy, they will be sent by a secure electronic network, speeding up dispensing and saving paperwork. Also coming shortly is a new practice website, Footfall, which will contain information about all the surgeries within the Rothschild House Group. The new website should also make it easier to find the information you need. The surgery is still open and available for all patients so if you are feeling unwell or are experiencing any change in your health, please contact the surgery by telephone or via the online service now available via Patient Access:
COVID-19 Support
The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting individuals and communities in many ways. If you become aware of someone who needs support and you’re not sure how best to help them, please refer them to the HertsHelp advice and information service in Herts. Either call 0300 123 4040, text hertshelp to 81025, minicom 0300 456 2364 or email . If in Bucks telephone 01296 383065 for information, advice and support assistance –
Letter to a Loved One
A new ‘Send a Letter to a Loved One’ service has been launched for friends and relatives of those in hospital.
See for more information. There is also news about the services which are available during the current crisis: