Saving Crystal Palace Pub in Berkhamsted from Housing Developers

Living Magazines Crystal Palace Pub

The Crystal Palace Pub stands forlorn, neglected. The owners, Punch Partnerships Ltd, claim it is not viable and want to convert it into three dwellings. They have failed to recognise the heritage significance of the building, which has only recently been discovered.

The Crystal Palace was added onto a pre-existing, much older beerhouse (which survived behind the current range until well into the 20th century). The new Pub was built by John Edward Lane in the 1850s.  J.E Lane F.R.H.S (1808-1889) was born in Berkhamsted and lived in the town for 81 years. He ran the nationally-known Lane Nurseries in the town, established by his grandfather in c. 1777, won many medals at the ‘real’ Crystal Palace (and other) exhibitions, and knew Joseph Paxton personally. He also ran a successful brewing business and owned several pubs in Berkhamsted, including the Crystal Palace.

The original design and name therefore connect the pub to the iconic national structure of the Crystal Palace itself. Lane celebrated his triumphs and status in the town by building his own miniature version (the original frontage was quite different, as seen above) – a clever piece of branding for his nursery and brewing empire.

Berkhamsted Castle Trust, on behalf of Berkhamsted’s heritage community, want to save it by registering it as an Asset of Community Value, and are developing a vision for its future use. If you object to the loss of another of Berkhamsted’s pubs – and one that is proving to be particularly special – please visit the Dacorum Planning Website and add your comment:

Standard Consultation Expiry Date Friday 18 December 2020.