Special Constabulary Information Evening

Living Magazines Special Constabulary

Hertfordshire Special Constabulary is hosting an information evening for those looking to take on this exciting and rewarding volunteering opportunity.

A Special Constable is a part-time, voluntary police officer with all the same powers as a regular police officer, including the power to arrest.

Specials come from all walks of life and volunteer their spare time for a minimum of 16 hours a month. They are highly trained and play an essential role in preventing, reducing and tackling crime and keeping the communities of Hertfordshire safe.

The virtual event will take place on Wednesday 23 February between 7pm and 8.30pm and is open to anyone who is interested in becoming a Special Constable.

Charlotte Baker, Specials Development Assistant Manager, said: ‘The Special Constabulary play a vital role in keeping Hertfordshire safe. Last year alone, they were responsible for making 307 arrests and responded to 8,419 incidents.

‘As a volunteering opportunity, nothing compares to it. Just some of the benefits include being able to give back to your local community, learning new personal and professional skills, along with improving confidence and communication – and even your fitness!

‘If you’re looking to make 2022 the year you take on a new challenge, we’d love to see you attend our information evening. It will be a fully interactive session and there’ll be lots of opportunity to ask questions.’

To book a place at the virtual information evening, please contact the recruitment team via email. The event will be hosted using Microsoft Teams and there will also be a dial in facility for anyone using a mobile phone.

To find out more about being a Special Constable, visit hertspolicespecials.co.uk.