Staying Well this Winter

More than ever, we all need to do what we can to look after ourselves this winter. This is going to be a tough time for many of us with cost-of-living worries which could have a direct effect on people’s health. The NHS will be here to help you with any health issues, and in return they ask that you help them.
As we head into winter, getting vaccinated against Flu and COVID is one of the most important ways to protect yourself and others. Vaccinations are safe and effective and can help avoid spreading these viruses to friends and loved ones, or from being seriously ill and needing hospital care.
Keeping up to date with your vaccinations can help keep beds available for those that need them most and avoid delays in surgery or other treatments.
The flu vaccine was available first to the over 65s, pregnant women and people with health conditions that make them more vulnerable to flu but now everyone 50+ can get a flu jab. You can also get this at the same time as your autumn COVID booster if this service is being offered at your GP or pharmacy.
Children are also being offered the flu vaccine as a nasal spray in school, from reception to year 6 and those at secondary school in year 7 to 11 if they are eligible. GP surgeries are also inviting children who are yet to start primary school, aged two or three (as of 31 August 2022).
COVID autumn boosters are available for people 50+ through many pharmacies, your GP, or you can get them when out and about at a pop-up clinic. These clinics can be found around the county, to make it as easy as possible for people to get a jab close to home, work or the shops and at times that are convenient for you.
Even if you aren’t eligible for the jabs, you may know someone who is. Asking friends and loved ones if they need a hand with booking an appointment or getting to a local walk-in clinic for their COVID jabs could make all the difference to them getting protected in time for winter.
The NHS will be in contact people when it is their turn to come forward. If you are eligible and have never had a COVID or flu vaccination before, it’s not too late to start. Make an appointment online at NHS.CO.UK, speak to a pharmacist, visit a walk-in clinic, or call 119.
For the latest local information, and to check if you are eligible: