Support for Victims and Families of Road Collisions from PCC Fund
Victims of serious road collisions and their families are being supported by a fund run by the Police and Crime Commissioner for Hertfordshire.
A grant of £60,000 has been made to the Roads Victims Trust to help the needs of bereaved families or those who suffer life-changing injuries in road collisions in Hertfordshire.
This is the seventh year the charity, which works across Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire, has been granted an award. During this time they have helped hundreds of people offering a bespoke face-to-face support and support through court cases and coroner hearings.
Last year 105 Hertfordshire residents received support, in addition to on-going support for 37 people from previous years.
Police and Crime Commissioner David Lloyd said: ‘This charity offers a vital level of support for people at their lowest – when they have been seriously injured or lost a loved one through a traffic accident.
‘All fatal collisions in the county are automatically referred by the police to the Trust so help can be given to all those involved.’
The money was awarded from the Commissioner’s Road Safety Fund which is comprised largely from fines imposed on speeding motorists and is strictly ring-fenced so it can only be spent on road safety projects and road victims in the county.
‘This is another example of my ‘offender pays’ strategy in action. People can see exactly how the money raised from those who flout the law is being reinvested into local road safety activity and to help victims,’ added Mr Lloyd.
Mark Turner, Chief Executive of Road Victims Trust said: ‘The trauma caused by fatal and life-changing collisions is immense, with lives changed in the blink of an eye. The partnership between Road Victims Trust and Hertfordshire Police and OPCC ensures that the best possible levels of post-collision support is provided. We are grateful for the understanding and support of the Commissioner.’
Those eligible for support from the Road Victim Trust include drivers, passengers, witness’s family members and those who administer first aid to road casualties.
The Road Safety Fund invites groups and organisations to apply for funding to help develop and design local solutions where a need has been identified, supporting projects that will assist in the delivery of Hertfordshire’s Strategic Road Safety Partnership’s vision.
The aim of the Road Safety Fund is to find new and innovative ways of improving road safety, supporting a holistic mix of education and enforcement to achieve sustainable behaviour change solutions and interventions which focus on reducing road casualties and antisocial road use.