Think Pink This October

One in eight women will get the news that they have breast cancer – sadly it’s still the UK’s most common form of cancer. Each year 11,500 women and 80 men lose their lives to the disease.
Which is why UK charity Breast Cancer Now is calling for everyone to take part in raising funds and awareness this October during Breast Cancer Awareness month.
So what can you do? On October 19 you can Wear It Pink. Dig out something pink – whether it’s a scarf jumper – or even your hair! And help raise funds for vital research – since 2002 Wear It Pink has raised more than £31 million to help in the fight against breast cancer.
Or if you’re feeling very brave, take a leap of faith and join in the Big Pink Jump and raise funds by skydiving on October 13.
If you’d rather not even leave home, you can do your bit by shopping online for exclusive pink products including bras from M&S and Limited-edition Lulu Guinness collection GHD hair straighteners.
The charity hopes that you can help it achieve its ambition – that by 2050, everyone who develops breast cancer will live – and live well.
Find out more about how you can get involved.
Find your local Breast Cancer Now group.