Tring based small business create free downloads to say thank you to key workers

Please find below Paper Artist UK’s current press release, detailing the two free downloads they have created to say thank you to our key workers.
Key workers across the country are working hard to keep us safe and our essential services running. Local Tring business Paper Artist UK have created two free posters to say thank you and to show appreciation for all that they’re doing. The prints (one ready to go and one to colour in) have been popping up in people’s windows across the country, reaching as far as Kent and Manchester so far, helping to add some colour to the streets and to show all the key workers that their efforts are not going unnoticed.
To join in and show your appreciation for all our key workers just click on the link and choose your download. There’s a ready to go poster, or combine it with a homeschooling art lesson and get your child to complete the colouring in 😉
For more information about Paper Artist UK please visit and don’t forget to clap at 8pm! #clapforrnhs #clapforcarers