Tring Lions Geography Quiz

Every year Tring Lions prepare a quiz sheet with 100 cryptic clues on a particular subject, last years was on London Underground Stations. They normally sell the quiz sheets for £1 and award monetary prizes for the top three entries.
They’ve just finished preparing this year’s quiz, which would have been published later on in the year, but, in the current circumstances, thought it might give people something to do whilst they are being urged to stay at home.
The quiz is split into two parts:
The answers will be published on 1 May 2020 on
They would very much like to know how you got on so please email ……and let then know how many you got right. They might even award you their prestigious Certificate of Merit!
If you enjoyed the quiz and would like to make a donation to Tring Lions their bank details are:
Sort code: 40-44-32 Account: 51419226
Any money raised will go towards supporting charities linked to the NHS.
Good luck!