Tring School New Build

The project to rebuild the majority of Tring School is now well underway. Work started in May 2020 to prepare the ground for the erection of a temporary two storey building containing 35 classrooms, labs, offices and amenities. This construction was completed in late August enabling the staff to move in at the end of the month with students being in the classrooms from 2 September onwards.
The students and staff have all been hugely impressed with the quality of the new facilities and they are far superior to the old buildings they have left behind. The rooms are large, bright, warm and have a high specification of ICT in every teaching space.
Now that half of the school has been relocated into the temporary accommodation, work has begun on demolishing some of the old buildings. Watching this happen has fascinated many of the students!!
The demolition will be completed this autumn and then work will move on to building the new school. The three storey building will be constructed by Bowmer + Kirkland and will be one of the most sustainably designed schools in the country with additional facilities to support the pastoral care and emotional well-being of the students. A local benefactor has also committed to fund expanded sports facilities to encourage more participation in physical activity and exercise.
The new facilities will include science laboratories, design and technology facilities, art rooms, classrooms, new dining room, learning resources centre, sixth form centre, a four court sports hall and an activity studio. Every single teaching space will benefit from new and high quality ICT equipment. The front of the new building will be some 65 metres further back from the road and reducing the impact on the local community has been a key element in the exterior design and landscaping. Every single element of the new school has been carefully considered and meticulously planned.
It has been a massive task to make the school conform to all of the Government guidelines for Covid 19. This would have been challenging at the best of times but given the restrictions of the new build programme on top of Covid it really has led to a lot of headaches. However, they’ve taken everything in their stride! Students are in their year group bubbles conforming to one way systems, staggered meal times, face covering rules, a meticulous cleaning regime, extra staff on supervision duties and a whole raft of other actions and measures. As with the provision of online learning when schools were closed earlier in the year, they’ve gone above and beyond in doing everything that they possibly can in the best interests of the students and the staff. The environment is safe and secure and well organised.
The plans for the new school buildings can be seen on the school’s website along with drawings and a virtual ‘fly-through’ showing both interior and exterior views.