Tring Swimming Club Celebrates at Annual Club Champs

Swimmers from Tring Swimming Club enjoyed their annual Club Champs recently to celebrate progress made over the year, and set new swim times in a series of 25m, 50m and 100m races. Everyone from the Club took part, from youngest members aged just 6, to the coaches themselves. It proved a brilliant showcase of the talent within the Club, with some thrilling dives and nail-biting finishes.
With music and announcements from resident DJ Nathan Ing, and home baked refreshments on hand, the atmosphere was set to fun as everyone dived in and gave it their all. This was a great opportunity for inexperienced swimmers to swim competitively under ASA rules, swimming each stroke in line with regulations and not be disqualified, while more experienced swimmers set new personal best times for each stroke, all cheered on by fellow swimmers, friends, parents and spectators.
This is the first Club Champs for the Tring Swimming Club in the new pool from Tring School, recently reopened by Tring Sport and Leisure Ltd, a subsidiary of the school’s multi-academy trust, the Ridgeway Learning Partnership (RLP). Head of Tring School and Chief Executive of the RLP, Susannah Collings (pictured) attended the event, and said: ‘It’s great to see the pool in action, growing young talent at this fantastic gala.’
Thanks go to the race sponsors this year. Primary sponsor Peter Kemp (pictured), CEO of prs office furniture, said: ‘We’re proud to support this Club and local community. I’m impressed by the organisation, the volunteers and the swimmers, and it’s very nice to see the youngest swimmers starting out on their swimming adventure. I’d urge everyone to give it a go.’
The Club’s presentation evening will be held soon to celebrate all the swimmers and coaches achievements, and where all the trophies, medals and certificates won during Club Champs will be presented to each swimmer.