Tring’s Great Big Green Week

Climate action is coming to Tring as part the national Great Big Green Week campaign. Residents, community groups, businesses and schools are taking part in Tring’s Great Big Green Week this June to highlight the need for urgent action on climate and nature. Taking place between 8 and 16 June, Great Big Green Week will see thousands of people across the UK organising local festivals and events.
This year’s Great Big Green Week theme is let’s #SwapTogether, for good. From clothes or book swaps, to skill swaps or up-cycling workshops, to knowledge swaps on discussion panels there will be plenty taking place for you to get involved in. Across the country, people are already making swaps for a greener, fairer, safer society, and we need politicians to do the same. The decisions we make now – like swapping expensive, polluting energy sources for clean, more affordable ones – mean we can hold our heads high in the knowledge that the UK is doing its fair share to address climate change, protect nature and help the hardest-hit in communities around the world who are on the front lines of the climate crisis.
Tring’s Great Big Green Week will be launched at Tring Farmers’ Market on Saturday 8 June with music and stalls. Events throughout the week will provide space to learn, meet others, and take action.
Polly Eaton, of Sustainable Tring said: ‘Last year was Tring’s first ever Great Big Green Week and we saw guided walks, films, chess for climate, craft, pond discovery, a guided tour of an eco-house and so much more. This year, Sustainable Tring and Tring Town Council have joined together to support events throughout the week. It’s fantastic to see the community come together to take action for the environment.’
The Great Big Green Week is being organised by The Climate Coalition, the UK’s largest group of people dedicated to action against climate change, whose members include the National Trust, WWF, Women’s Institute, Oxfam, RSPB and more.
To find out more about Tring’s events visit and for what’s happening elsewhere visit