Victoria Collins MP Holds PM to Account on Funding for Swan Youth Project

For this, she highlighted the incredible work of a local charitable organisation, the Swan Youth Project based in Berkhamsted, which works tirelessly to support teenagers locally.
Having been operating for over 30 years they run drop-ins, events and activities for teenagers, providing them with hot meals and a safe space to spend time in. They also help teenagers and their families who are struggling to access external services, such as proactively intervening to support them whilst they wait to access mental health services. Victoria saw this incredible work firsthand when she visited the organisation this summer.
However, the Project is hugely concerned about their ability to access the funding they need to continue to operate through the winter, with grants being cut and demand for them being higher than ever. They recently wrote to the Treasury to voice these worries.
Yesterday, Victoria raised this directly with the Prime Minister to ask that he visit the Swan Youth Project to meet with Parul Dix (the Project Manager) and her team, to hear more about their invaluable work and the support that they need to continue with this. Victoria also asked that he ensure charitable organisations, like this one, can access the funding and grants that they require.
In his response, the Prime Minister confirmed that he would ensure Victoria can meet with the relevant government Ministers to discuss this further.
The question that Victoria Collins, Member of Parliament for Harpenden and Berkhamsted, put to the Prime Minister was: ‘The Swan Youth Project in Berkhamsted is an incredible drop-in centre that intervenes to give hope and a better future to teenagers like Lex and Megan who have struggled with anxiety and depression while facing long mental health waiting lists as well as families with SEND needs.
‘They’ve written to the Treasury worried about getting the funding they need as the community faces a tough winter and grants have been depleting.
‘The manager Parul has assured me she makes a mean curry and would welcome the Prime Minister.
‘Will the Prime Minister join me to meet with the organisation to discuss their concerns and ensure third sector organisations like them get the support they need as they work tirelessly for our community.’