Wigginton History Society Your Views Please
We’ve just received this update from Wigginton History Society which will be of interest to any of the Society’s supporters.
In recent months the attendance at our meetings has been falling and we are now in a situation where it is becoming increasingly difficult for us to afford to book good speakers. We have our programme booked through until next June when we will need to review our financial circumstances and decide whether we are able to continue with the Society.
We understand that members are not able to attend particular meetings for a variety of reasons, but if you are keen to support us, and see us continuing, please make every effort to come along to our next meeting, which will be taking place on 6 November, details here. We would be very appreciative of your presence.
We would also like your thoughts and ideas on how we might improve, for example:
- Change of venue – from the church to the village hall?
- Is Wednesday the best evening?
- A change of time?
- Would you be willing to pay a slight increase in cost, say to £4?
- Are there subjects you think would be of interest we haven’t featured?
- Any other ideas please.
If you have any thoughts please come and have a chat to a member of the committee, or just send a comment by e-mail to: john.egglesfield@btinternet.com, suehexter@googlemail.com, cliff.mills@outlook.com.