Write or update your Will in February and support Rennie Grove Hospice Care

Is your New Year’s resolution to focus more on your family? Have you recently experienced a significant life change such as moving house, getting married, retiring or welcoming a new addition to the family?
One way of making sure your loved ones are taken care of in future is to have an up to date Will.
Throughout February you can write a new Will or update an existing one and help local hospice charity Rennie Grove Hospice Care at the same time.
Rennie Grove is a charity providing specialist care and support for adults and children with a life-limiting illness in Bucks and west Herts. Through its unique hospice at home service, available day and night, and a range of day services the charity supports its patients to live the best quality life they can with a choice about how and where they are cared for towards the end of life.
Solicitors supporting Rennie Grove’s Make your Will Month will draw up a standard Will and, instead of charging their usual fee, they are giving you the opportunity to make a donation to Rennie Grove.
Your solicitor will provide you with professional advice to write your Will and you are asked to make a minimum donation of £140 for a single Will or £200 for mirror Wills. This enables you to make savings whilst donating to Rennie Grove.
If your circumstances are more complicated, your solicitor will agree any additional fees and provide you with their charges for related services.
Your Will is one of the most important documents you will ever sign and it ensures your estate can be distributed as you wish. It gives peace of mind and security for you and those you love.
And if you are able to consider leaving a gift in your Will to Rennie Grove, this means more patients in the future can receive that charity’s specialist services.
To find out more please visit renniegrove.org/makeyourwillmonth2020, call 01442 507344 or email legacy@renniegrove.org.
Local solicitors supporting Make Your Will Month in Herts are:
Abbey Law St Albans
01727 839162
City Lawyers St Albans
01727 228890
Pictons Solicitors Tring
0800 302 9448
Sherrards St Albans
01727 832830
Taylor Walton Harpenden and St Albans
01727 845245