Your Voice Matters – Help Local Charities Understand What You Think

As you will have read in the press many Charities are having a tough time raising sufficient funds to cover rising costs with regular or significant donations becoming less and less frequent. Every day we are reading about charities forced to close due to lack of funding.
To help our local charities better understand what their local communities think of them and the services they provide, they are reaching out to (you) our community to ask only for the gift of time, and only about 5 minutes of it. They really need it and would greatly appreciate it.
A local research company Message House is conducting a short survey to find out what people like you think about the charities in your area. By sharing your thoughts, you’ll help these organisations better connect with their community and improve the way they operate.
Can you please support them by giving a few minutes of your time by taking the survey now, either via the link below or scanning the QR code. It really will make a huge difference and help sustain their future. Thank you so much.
As a thank you, by completing the survey, you’ll be entered into a draw to win one of five £20 M&S vouchers! Visit or scan the QR code to share your thoughts now.